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How do I take the Current Survey listed at the top of the website?

Upon registering, you will receive an email inviting you to participate if you qualify for the current survey. If you don't receive an email notification, you should also login to your account to double-check just in case you do not receive the email invitation for some reason (due to your ISP's spam filters, etc).

Keep in mind that you're not going to be eligible for every survey, because some surveys are targeted towards either men or women, or those who live in a certain area, etc. For example, if you're a women and the current survey is about men and their grooming habits, you won't be invited to take that survey.

If you don't receive an invitation to participate in the current survey listed on our homepage when you register, it simply means that you're not eligible for that survey. You should receive your first paid survey invitation soon thereafter, and in the meantime we suggest you read our Special Report.

While you're waiting for your first survey, we highly recommend that you also register with some of our partners. We have partnered with the top firms that pay for surveys, and once you register with all of them - for FREE - you'll receive more paid surveys then you can handle.
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  1. SurveyClub Support

  2. Posted 3 years ago
